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Transform Your Future with Mindset Coaching - Reimagining Life Coaches

From Grasshopper To Giant Mindset

Do you think of yourself as small and insignificant? If so you may be suffering from Grasshopper Brain Syndrome. Grasshopper Brain Syndrome is characterized as having a very weak , fearful state of mind, that can very easily be broken down by any difficult conflict or hard situation. The exhibiting of low self-esteem, low sense of self-worth and repeated cycles of common negative mind loops, easily stifle and cloud the image of oneself. Those who suffer from this type of syndrome also easily give up and are very hyper-sensitive emotionally as well. So many ask, “how can I make myself mentally stronger and control my emotions?”

Well, my answer is this; we all must learn to make ourselves a priority daily, and learn to be kind to ourselves. Difficulty due to emotional sensitivities aren’t abnormal. However, it’s what you do or don’t do once you are aware that your emotions are overwhelming you that releases you to become greater and stronger. To ignore this, can cause you to experience restraint with outcomes that render you powerless. I believe and affirm that we all are intended to grow bigger and stronger than we started out, in every area of our lives. None of us were intended to stay or play small! We are made up of all different organs, muscles, bones etc., that have enormous expansion capacity when exercised and built up. Emotional Resilience is just like a muscle . It can be built and strengthened with regular intentional exercise. Understand, that it takes time and consistent practice to do so. Also, you will need a support network for accountability. We all need help with the hard things in our lives. Resilience is a journey and growing is never easy, nor should we expect it to be.

So, why do we limit ourselves by playing small? Self-inflicted stifling processes are often used to protect many who choose to hide fearfully behind excuses and reasons not to grow, be great, and to reach their full potential. 

No comparison should ever be the reason to not be authentically you. YOUR PURPOSE IS NOT IN COMPETITION WITH ANYONE ELSES! Your unique design and purpose has a imprint that only you can leave; that’s right, only you can do it like it was meant to be done by you!

I heard this said by a wise mentor; some things meant to elevate you to next levels won’t be open to you until you get bigger and expand your capacity to receive and be present in the moment. Growing your understanding of who you are, what you are capable of achieving, and the posture of believing and trusting it is meant to come to and through you. 

ELEVATE, ANTICIPATE AND EMBRACE what is, and is meant to be inevitable. Remember, what you speak and think about regularly, your brain gets to work on making that your reality.

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